Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Bob Greenley - his siblings and a plethora of cousins (Part 6)

Dad and his siblings - Bob, Bette, Bill, Lela, Everett

Dad was always close to his siblings.  He was the big brother beloved by all.  Ultimately, Real Life provided impetus to leave Roseburg, and while dad stayed, his brothers and sisters ended up scattered throughout the region..  The Greenley siblings were blessed with children - Eighteen in all. There was a particular baby boon between July of 1956 - May of 1958 in which six cousins were born. Despite the distances between Dad and his siblings - they continued to gather together regularly. I am forever grateful for their efforts to stay connected. Some of my fondest memories are when we gathered with aunts and uncles and cousins.
Dale, Mom, Susie, Ross, Debbie,
Aunt Bette and David - Ukiah, CA Summer 1957

Sister Bette moved to Ukiah, California, with a friend, for a fun adventure. She married Ernie Hatton, and raised her family there - they had three children, Debbie, David and Don.
Ukiah, California ca.1960 Back row: Ross, Susie, Dale
front row, David, Donnie, Mariane (Debbie in front of Dale)
This picture is a visit we made to Ukiah in the summer of 1957. In this picture both Mom and Aunt Bette were pregnant. Donald and I were born the following September.
Marianne, Russell, Tom, Kathleen, Lance 
1965, Roseburg, Oregon

Dad’s Brother Bill moved to Walla Walla, Washington to go to college.  He got his teaching degree and became an  Industrial Arts  teacher - he taught mechanics, welding, etc in a Seventh Day Adventist academy (he was the only sibling to stay with the church).  He married Lois in 1951, and raised their three children (Russell, Kathleen, Tom) near Walla Walla

Wayne, Ross, Pat, Susie, Dale, Wilma - Sept. 1956

Sister Lela, married twice, first to Austin Kelley (they had one child, Pat, the oldest grandchild), then she married Duane Jones in 1949. Their life was nomadic, always in search of better jobs.  They did live across the street from us in the 1950s for a couple of years.  Their children Pat, Wayne and Wilma, were of similar age to Dale, Susie and Ross.  Wilma told me recently she felt like she had a sister in Susie. And I know Ross felt the same about Wayne. They eventually landed in Yreka, California (near where brother Everett was raising his family).

Gordie, Alan, Jimmy, Marianne, Lance, Rex
1968 in Montague (Mt. Shasta to the left of Gordie)
After Everett married in 1956, he and Mary moved to Montague, California for work.  This was very
disappointing for dad, who really wanted Everett to stay in Roseburg and work with him and help grow the homebuilding business.  Everett and Mary had four boys - Alan, Rex, Gordon, Jim. We lost Rex along the way in a boating accident while duck hunting November of 1973.  Alan, Gordie and Jimmy still live in the Montague area and remain close.

Because everyone considered Roseburg their hometown, and we were fortunate to all hold a special place in each others' lives.  We regularly went to Montague, California, to visit Uncle Everett and Aunt Mary.  Uncle Bill and Aunt Lois and family came to Roseburg often, and we would go to Walla Walla to visit.  Aunt Lela and Uncle Duane were a regular presence also.  Aunt Bette and Uncle Ernie lived the farthest away, and I only remember two trips to go see them. But there were phone calls and letters that help create and continue the relationships.

This picture is perhaps the biggest gathering of the cousins we had during the 1960s. I believe this is during the summer of 1966,  when our grandparents moved into the house up the street from us (Into the first house dad had built, which we owned as a rental).  

Front row: Russell, Marianne, Susie, Lance, Mom, Uncle Bill
2nd row: Aunt Bette, Wilma, Uncle Everett, Aunt Lela (red hair), Uncle Duane
3rd row: Wayne, Dad (peeking over Everett's shoulder), Ross (seen behind Susie and Lela)

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