Friday, February 26, 2021

Bob Greenley: his love of the outdoors (Part 9)

Our Dad loved the outdoors. Every opportunity was taking us (or himself) up the mountain, down the river, or anyplace else he could enjoy the beauty of Oregon.

Deer Hunting

Dad with his deer

Deer hunting was a big passion.  Every fall he would take a week, usually traveling to Eastern Oregon. When I smell venison, it evokes really strong memories of my dad. I remember going as a family at least once.  The following pictures are from a trip with a large group of friends, including his brother, Everett.  He always came home with his deer!

Uncle Everett
This picture includes the jeep. Dad is sitting on the back bumper

They made the newspaper!  Fall of 1955


Ross and Dale (ca 1964)

As a family, we were very involved with Boy Scouts and Campfire Girls.  Both Dale and Ross were part of Boy Scout Troop 4.  Though he was not the Scoutmaster, Dad was always heavily involved. Dad was always part of camping trips and other activities. Dale recently told me he often despaired at Dad's heavy involvement, but his friends always enjoyed it.  Susie was always part of Camp Fire.  Mom was a leader -- and her involvement led to her being president of the Camp Fire Council in 1964. There was a huge community of parents and kids who were part of our lives.  

Ross (ca 1967)

Brother Ross, reached out to a fellow Boy Scout from those days, and he gifted us with his memories of our dad.
“Bob Greenley was a superb assistant scoutmaster to Roseburg's Troop 4 in the early-mid 1960's. He loved the outdoors and shared his enthusiasm with young scouts like myself. We only got 'lost' once, on a hill during a rainstorm, but his calm demeanor kept us from panicking. I always imagined him to be a professional forester, as he shared all those positive traits.” (from Carl Troy)

In search of Religion

I am not sure what led Mom and Dad to start investigating churches to attend in the middle 1960s.  Mom's background was Lutheran, but she also had strong Mormon roots from her mother.  I've already discussed Dad's history with the Seventh Day Adventist church.  I remember them going to an evening event at the SDA church, and coming home appalled at what they heard.  Mom read a book about Mormonism - and couldn't figure out WHY anyone would belong to such a church. 

The Oregonian ran a series of articles about the significant churches and religious groups and their belief systems.  Mom and Dad were intrigued by the Unitarians.  They found there was a Unitarian Fellowship meeting near us.  Mom and Dad took Lance and I to the services.  I remember going to "Sunday school".  In these classes we learned about the major religions of the world.  Unitarians don't tell members what to believe.  They believe in the journey of discovering your personal faith.  It is a church that involves itself in many social justice causes.  When Dad got sick, and needed immediate surgery (He was taken to Eugene) in August of 1970, it was church members who took Lance and I in while Mom was in Eugene.  

Tomorrow's post will focus on the birth of his first grandchild, and the last year of his life.


  1. Thank you Marianne, it is great to see those old photos again. I just can't figure out why in the first photo of Dad, there is a black spot that makes him look like he is missing a tooth.

  2. I went with Dad on his last hunting trip. We drove to eastern Oregon to hunt the same area where they hunted in the '50s and where he deer on pickup came from. We brought back a smell buck. We visited their camp site it was semi improved so was used frequently over the years.

  3. Looking at the pic with dad sitting on the back bumper of the jeep. That is a gal facing away from the camera on the left side. The only hunting trip I recall with the family to the east (those are pine trees) was with the Wolfs. We were in a tent they had a camp trailer and we could not go anywhere near the trailed cus of she wolf protecting the den. However that does not account for the 3 men sitting by the jeep. Where's the fire? Not sure what this trip is.

    1. More information for you - The date on the picture is Nov. 60. Your memories match up to the pictures. A picture that includes a big white tent. Another picture with station wagon attached to a trailer. Nothing written on the photos.

  4. Again... The pic of Dale and I in our scout uniforms is more like '62. Look at the pics of me on the trip.. that was 14 this is 12.
